Happy 8 Months Aubrey Joy!

I started this blog post early (at the same time I did your 7 month post) in attempts to get this one done on time and apparently I’m successful!  Today Aubrey is 8 months old!


These pictures were easier to take before you could move around everywhere!
You are just the most entertaining little chunk!

We brought you to the doctor this month, and you were 27 inches long (70th percentile) and wait for it… 20lbs 8oz! Which puts you in the 95th percentile for weight!

Your top two teeth have cut through, and while I was changing your diaper this morning I discovered another top tooth cut through.. which means you now have 5 teeth and I had no idea.  Teething does not seem to bother you.  You don’t drool (like at all which most people think is really weird), you don’t get super fussy all day, you don’t wake up a ton at night…I’m not complaining.  You started grinding your teeth, which I’m hoping is just because you’re getting used to the new ones that have come in.

This month was a developmental whirlwind!  Last month you crawled a little bit before you plopped onto your belly.  Now you’re crawling all over the place!  There is no keeping you in one place.  You pull yourself up to stand like it’s nothing.  Occasionally when you stand you’re already letting go to try and balance. I’m pretty sure you’re going to be an early walker… which is slightly terrifying for me.  Grandma walked at 8.5 months, and your dad walked at 10 months.  Apparently you’re going to take after them, because you’re already trying to walk.  You walk along the couch, your crib and if we hold your hands.


You figured out how to blow air out, and you are always blowing air.  You LOVE knocking down block towers.  Any time I stack them, I rarely get past 3-4 blocks before you knock them over.

You make a bee line for bags/backpacks and shoes.  Zippers and laces are right up your alley, right there with remotes and phones.

You crack us up when you see yourself in the mirror.  You always turn your head completely sideways and hang there looking at yourself.

Right now you’re a momma’s girl and you love being close to me.  You’ll go to other people for a few seconds (maybe minutes) before you’re reaching for me again.  (I’d be lying if it didn’t give a little bit of joy every time you reach for me… but just so you know I won’t pass you off to anyone who doesn’t love you so it is okay to be with other people).  We are working on getting you adjusted to being away from me for little periods of time.  You successfully made it in the church nursery today without getting kicked out! (we dropped you off after the worship, so that may have helped).

You dropped from 3 naps a day to 2 naps a day this week, and it has actually been a very smooth transition.  We had to move your bedtime up to compensate for the lost nap, but you seem to be handling it well.  You go to sleep around 6:45 and wake up around 7.  You wake up 1-2 times a night, but the last few days it has only been 1 time and you slept through the night.

You are currently battling eczema, and none of the things we are using seem to be helping.  We have you on a prescription from the doctor, but it doesn’t seem to be helping much It’s taking over the back of your legs, and your back.  Hopefully it goes away soon, but fortunately it doesn’t seem to be bothering you.

We took you to the park and let you play on the swings, and you LOVED it!  You had such a big smile, and you were bouncing up and down.  It’s your new favorite thing to do.

You are so serious, but you’re laughing more often.  You laugh at things that I don’t plan on you laughing at.  When we actually try to make you laugh, you stare at us.  Then we do something random (like throwing a block up to catch, and when I miss it bounces off the wall and you die laughing).  I LOVE hearing you laugh, and I love that you’re laughing more often.

I love watching you grow up, but it is so bittersweet. Happy 8 Months to my favorite girl!