Happy 10 Months Aubrey Joy!

Each month I feel like I am literally seeing you grow right in front of my eyes.  I absolutely love it, and then I break down and cry about it because you’re my baby and I think I tell you everyday you’re almost 1 and I just can’t handle that! (How’s that for a run on sentence?! Don’t read my blog for grammar… I suck at it)


  • Dancing to music
  • Putting EVERYTHING in your mouth
  • Playing in water
  • Walker
  • Food


  • When mom or dad walk away
  • Car rides exceeding 30 minutes or around bed time

You’re wearing 12-18 month clothes right now… leaves me a little curious as to what size you’ll be wearing when you’re actually 12 – 18 months.

The teeth count is holding steady at 6, but I am pretty sure tooth number 7 will be coming in pretty soon.

You LOVE music!  As soon as you hear it you start bouncing and dancing.  It doesn’t matter how many times we see it, it brings huge smiles to our faces.  My favorite is when you’re mid crawl and you hear music… you dance by wiggling your whole body.  Just about the cutest thing I’ve ever seen!

You’re solid as a rock when you’re standing and you take 1 step, but we are working on taking multiple steps.  I’m pretty sure you will tie your daddy and be walking when you’re 10 months.  You’ve mastered your walker.  Before you got angry when you used it, because you only knew how to go backwards and it was not the direction you wanted.  Now you’ve got it mastered, and you fly around the house.  You can follow us anywhere we go and you think it is the greatest thing.


You officially cry when Mom/Dad walk away.  Even if you’re with one of us.  If I’m holding you and Dad walks out of sight you cry for him, and vice versa.  You just love us so much 🙂

You are an excellent napper, but we are still working on that night time sleep.  You’re typically up 1 – 2 times a night, but more often than not you’re up twice.  If I bring you into our bed, you think it’s time for a dance party, and then none of us get any sleep.  Sometimes I can’t do it and out of sheer laziness, I ask Daddy to just bring you into our bed so I can nurse you back to sleep while I sleep.  Selective co-sleeping.

You are babbling up a storm and working on talking.  You are saying “Da-Da” and “na-na” and other random consonant noises… still working on “ma-ma”.

We celebrated our first Easter together, and you were just as cute as could be.  I am a sucker for little girl dresses… they make up a good chunk of your wardrobe.  Good thing we go to church every week to give you a chance to wear them.  (I’ve officially cut myself off from buying anymore… unless they are size 2T and up.  Good thing I plan ahead).


 You LOVE LOVE LOVE the water!  You went in our pool for the first time, and you had the biggest smile, despite the fact that the water was still a little chilly.  We also crashed a Disney hotel to hang out with your cousin, and you loved the little kid pool.  You stuck your face in the water a couple times, and now it is a nightly occurrence during bath time.

You love food, and you crack us up while you eat.  Our meal times often turn into a happy screaming war.  You scream/squeal to hear your voice, and then I copy you.  You laugh and tilt your head sideways, and then the process begins again.  Your favorite things to eat are oranges and grapes, but you pretty much eat any meal we make.

 Those newborn snuggles passed way too quickly.  You don’t snuggle but for a millisecond.  We joke every time you lay your head on our shoulders to enjoy it, because it is the most fleeting snuggle sesh ever.  The only time I get to snuggle you for real is when I put you to sleep.

You are just the sweetest thing.  Watching you grow up is so bittersweet.  As much as I love seeing you master new skills and your personality continue to come out, I am so sad it’s going to quickly!  We love you more than you can ever possibly imagine Aubrey!

Happy 10 Months Aubrey Joy!