Finally Friday [3.20.15]

It’s finally FRIDAY! I’m doing a happy dance over here! I’m also letting some of my random thoughts spill onto my blog today.

1.  I was up until about 2 am and woke up at about 5:45am.  Insomnia is getting the best of me, but it won’t keep me down!  I’ve got big plans for this weekend!  Which brings us to numbers 2 an 3! 🙂

2. My best friend from Tallahassee is in Orlando for the weekend to celebrate her 2 year wedding anniversary with her husband.  So tonight we are meeting them for dinner at Cheesecake Factory.  She is the only person who will eat their avocado egg rolls with me.  I haven’t decided if I will get a real meal tonight or just eat the egg rolls and cheesecake…  Avocados are healthy.  If I get original cheesecake with strawberries, then the strawberries are healthy… I’m just saying that may or may not happen tonight.

3. I’ve been ITCHING to be in the sun!  The weather is so incredibly gorgeous!  Sunny and 75, and working indoors all week is cramping my style.  The walks we’ve been taking at night with the dogs aren’t enough, so I begged Paul to take this [huge] pregnant girl to the beach (PS If you know my husband, convincing him to go to the beach is not hard).  Well then our friends invited us to the beach with them tomorrow, and excited doesn’t cover it!  Except for the whole bathing suit part… which brings us to 4.

4.  I went bathing suit shopping last night.  It was rough.  However, I’m not feeling any of the maternity suits, so we’re gonna flaunt this big ol’ belly with the most precious little girl in it, and we don’t really care who sees.  But the ONLY bathing suit that covered my girls, is not very cute.  It’s not a pattern I would normally choose, and I’m going with solid black bottoms, BUT the sun is calling my name and that is all that matters!  Target to the rescue again. Disclaimer: The image below is NOT what this bathing suit looks like when you’re 7 months pregnant.


5.  I may or may not have ordered the most adorable cloth diaper for Aubrey.  It took everything in me not to also order it in a swim diaper of every size so she wouldn’t grow out of it for a while.  Self control.  Working on self control!  So seriously, Charlie Banana, I love you for your ADORABLE patterns.  I cannot wait for Aubrey to be here so she can wear this.  I can almost guarantee I will have her running around in just diapers frequently, just because her diapers will be so cute.  So this Peony Blossom pattern had my heart melting, but even this picture doesn’t do it justice.  I stumbled across the pattern on their Instagram, and let’s just say there was no going back!


6. We’re planning on finishing our dresser redo this weekend as well.  I am so excited to get it done, and moved into the nursery so things will start to feel like they are getting put together!

7.  I’ve been thinking about Lucky Charms for a good week now.  I think I mentioned them to Paul while we were in bed last night about 3-4 times.  If it wasn’t after 11, I would have gone to get some.  So I contemplated going this morning.  I ALMOST went to Publix at 7am… I mean I was up anyways.  Oh the strange things you crave when you’re pregnant.

Happy Friday!!!

Baby M – 27 Weeks

27 Weeks

Bump Analysis? Just getting bigger… ignore the huge bruise on my leg.  I tend to run into things.

Month/Trimester? 6 months [22 weeks – 27 weeks] / 2nd Trimester! **LAST WEEK OF THE SECOND TRIMESTER!!!**

Fruit of the week? Our baby is the size of a Rutabaga! 13.6 -14.8 inches long and 1.5 to 2.5 pounds!

Development? She’s still practicing breathing, and she officially has brain activity!

Movement? It’s official.  Our daughter is nocturnal. I feel her sporadically throughout the day, but when it hits about 9:45 – 10pm she throws a party in there, and it usually keeps me up for a little bit.  So we hang out while dad snoozes next to us.

Name? Aubrey Joy 🙂

Testing? I head to the doctor next week to be tested for gestational diabetes, and since I was just there last week that means I’ve officially hit the point in pregnancy where you visit the doctor every 2 weeks from 28 weeks – 36 weeks.  So I think we can say we are officially on the  downward slope of the pregnancy hill!

Weight Gain? No weight gain this week… Totaling 18 lbs.

Symptoms? This sounds like a complaint section – but it’s the truth.

  • Acne <– this might be getting a little better?
  • Excessive pee breaks
  • Faint line (Linea Nigra) forming below my belly button
  • Losing hair at my hair line – so much for luxurious pregnancy hair.
  • Tailbone Pain
  • Braxton Hicks
  • Crying for no reason
  • Back pain… it’s back. I spoke too soon.
  • Heartburn

Cravings? Not really craving anything in particular lately.  This past weekend I NEEDED a cinnamon roll from a place in Tallahassee, and my BFF Malarie totally went and got me one.  She won the most awesome person of the year award.  I would go to Tallahassee just for these cinnamon rolls.

Aversions? Buffalo Chicken Dip

Sleep? Pregnancy induced insomnia – I made up the name ( I think), but I am diagnosing myself with it.  I head to bed exhausted, and then I lay there for HOURS until 1-2am tossing and turning, and mind racing about baby things.  (i.e. Is it too soon to start babyproofing the house?  What decorations will I use to finish the nursery?  I wonder how labor will go.  Did I register for that?  Do I need that? Why is Paul so happily snoring away, and I’m laying here.  I have to pee… again.)

Maternity Clothes? It’s a good thing these suckers are comfy, because I’m all about comfort these days (well I’ve always been about comfort, but I think it’s even more true now).  I do need to go find a bathing suit though, which could be a terrible experience.  Paul and I will be headed on our baby moon later this month, and I currently don’t fit into any of the tops of my previous bathing suits…

Exercise? I had every intention of taking it easy this past week and just walking.  I did nothing.  So this week I plan on getting back in the gym.  My groin is still bothering me with certain movements, so I’m just going to avoid exercises where I can feel it pulling/straining.

Wedding Rings? ON!

Stretch Marks? Battle lost.  Tears were shed.  At least they aren’t on my stomach since I live in FL an bathing suits are a necessity… however I do still have 13 weeks to go so I’m guessing I won’t be that lucky.  After my shower I use Burt’s Bees Mama Baby Belly Butter, and before I go to bed at night I use BioOil.

Labor Signs? Braxton hicks are becoming a pretty daily symptom.  Not consistent, but I usually have at least 1 a day.  At my last doctor appointment I was given all sorts of information about labor symptoms, etc.  Not because they expect me to go into pre- term labor but as a precaution, because holy smokes it’s coming up quick!

What I miss? I’m actually doing pretty well right now – not missing too much of anything and just enjoying this little bump of mine 🙂 I could do without the tailbone pain though… ouch.

Looking forward to? Finishing up Aubrey’s dresser this week and getting it put in the nursery!  EEK!  1 more thing to mark off the list 🙂

Pinterest Perfect Party

This past weekend was EVENTFUL!  Literally!  Paul and I headed up to Tallahassee on Friday, where we met our friends for dinner.  Then Saturday morning was my first baby shower, that night we headed to an engagement party, and on Sunday we headed to a gender reveal party!  So much excitement for one weekend!

On Saturday morning,  my sister hosted a baby shower for me with some help from my mom and a couple of my friends.  When I walked into her house, I cried… on more than 1 occasion.  I think the tears were triggered, because 1.  This is happening.  I am really having a baby, and I never thought I’d see the day where someone was throwing a baby shower for me!  2. It was perfect.  The entire house looked like a party you see on Pinterest, but it never works out that way when you do it yourself.  The pictures don’t do it justice, because these are off my iPhone, because I’m just too impatient to wait for my sister to send me the pretty ones.

IMG_6988 IMG_6989 IMG_6990

Let’s pause for a second to admire this cake… have you ever seen a more beautiful cake?!  My brother’s girlfriend has become the family cake baker/decorator, because I mean obviously she’s good at it! Not to mention, once we cut into the cake, she had each layer a darker shade to match the outside of the cake.  Perfection.


Now that we’ve admired the cake, let’s take a look at this onesie.  My sister is the crafty one of the family.  I draw stick figures, she makes things.  Lots of things that are always adorable.  So I saw this onesie, and I thought she bought it from a store or off Etsy… No, she made it.  Of course she did.  So I see the onesie, and I cry.  Again. It’s a little hard to read, but it says, “This little light of mine”.


Paul and I received so many amazing gifts for Aubrey, and we were so blown away by everyone’s generosity.  We are so lucky to have such amazing people in our lives, but I think Aubrey is even more lucky, because she isn’t even here yet, and already she is loved more than she knows.  We cannot thank everyone enough for everything!  We love you all!


My niece, Kennedy, might just be the best present helper.  She was so excited to rip the paper off, I don’t even think she ever saw what was wrapped.  She just loves tearing into the presents.  At one point, my sister said, “Kennedy, let Auntie open her present okay?”.  Kennedy looked right at me, and in the sweetest voice said, “MAY I help you open the present?”… Not can I, but may I!  There is no way I can say no to that!  That little girl is just adorable.

I’ve mentioned before that 3 of my friends in Tallahassee are also expecting.  I think it is so exciting that there are 4 little summer babies all due within 2 months of each other!   Here are three of us, but Whitney had already left and we missed the photo op!  All three of them are having little boys, and Aubrey is the only little girl of the group!  It’s so fun getting to experience pregnancy for the first time, with 3 other first time moms.  I just wish we lived close to them all again!


It was such a beautiful and fun baby shower.  I couldn’t have asked for anything more! It was so great to see all my friends in Tallahassee, and to celebrate the precious little girl growing inside of me!  Thank you so much to everyone!

Again, iPhone picture… I couldn’t wait for the real one 🙂

Baby M – 26 Weeks

Bump Analysis? If I stand up straight and look down, I only see my belly.   I’ve officially lost sight of my toes… This is also my “I haven’t left the house all day, and I don’t plan to” look I’m rocking.

Month/Trimester? 6 months [22 weeks – 27 weeks] / 2nd Trimester!

Fruit of the week? Our baby is the size of a head of lettuce! 13.6 -14.8 inches long and 1.5 to 2.5 pounds!

Development? Her eyes are forming, and will soon open.  She’s grown eyelashes, an her immune system is ready for life on the outside by taking in my antibodies. She’s practicing taking breaths of amniotic fluid, not air.

Movement? She likes to do gymnastics in the middle of the night after I’ve woken up to go to the bathroom… her gymnastics then keeps me up for about 45 minutes to an hour.

Name? Aubrey Joy 🙂

Testing? None right now!

Weight Gain? Back to 1 pounds this week… Totaling 18 lbs. I may have gotten really excited when I got to share that news with Paul this morning 🙂

Symptoms? You’ll see I’ve taken my back pain off this list… PARTY!  I am 99.9% positive the exercise has helped rid me of the crazy back pain.  I still have it on occasion, but NOTHING like it was!  Paul and I even went and did a 2.5 mile walk this weekend with the dogs, and my back didn’t hurt once!

  • Acne
  • Excessive pee breaks
  • Faint line (Linea Nigra) forming below my belly button – not cute.
  • Losing hair at my hair line – so much for luxurious pregnancy hair.
  • Tailbone Pain
  • Braxton Hicks
  • Crying for no reason… yah this is back.

Cravings? This week I NEEDED nachos from this restaurant called Duffy.  I also needed Dunkin Donuts.

Aversions? Buffalo Chicken Dip

Sleep? It’s happening… I’m entering the awful stage of restless pregnancy sleep you hear about. I’m waking up 2-3 times a night to go to the bathroom, and though Aubrey’s kicks don’t wake me up at night, if I wake up they keep me awake.  I’m also tossing and turning like crazy trying to get comfortable.

Maternity Clothes? I did go shopping this week and I bought some maternity shorts, because it’s March in Florida, and shorts are a necessity.  I also bought some new workout gear.

Exercise? Exercise went really well this week.  I’ve done a lot of cardio and strength training, which is making me feel better.  I do think I may have hurt my groin a week or two ago, so this week I’m taking it pretty easy in hopes that it heals.  I’ll probably just be doing some walking with the dogs and enjoying this weather!

Wedding Rings? ON!

Stretch Marks? Pretty sure I’ve lost the battle.  They are pretty faint, but I’m pretty sure I’ve got some little stretch marks.  After my shower I use Burt’s Bees Mama Baby Belly Butter, and before I go to bed at night I use BioOil.

Labor Signs? Braxton hicks are becoming a pretty daily symptom.  Not consistent, but I usually have at least 1 a day.

What I miss?  Sitting without my butt hurting…

Looking forward to? This weekend my sister is throwing a baby shower for me in Tallahassee with the help of some of my friends!  I am so incredibly excited to see everyone, and to celebrate this sweet little Junebug growing inside me!  🙂

So this is nesting…

You always hear about women “nesting” during their pregnancy.  I always knew women wanted to clean an organize, but what I didn’t know is that is also came with a seriously strong urge to decorate your house!

All the sudden the things that have been on my to do list to eventually get around to decorate, need to be done NOW!  i.e our guestroom/my office.  I had every intention of decorating when we moved in, but then we found out we were pregnant, and the rooms would be switching around and we would have a nursery to decorate so it just slipped away.  Now all the sudden our guestroom/my office HAS to be done.  I mean, we’ve have people use our guest room before when it was plain and ugly, but now it needs to be pretty and welcoming.

I recently went through our last unpacked box of decorations and figured out where they would be going.  Then I decided we needed an actual matching bedspread set, and I realized we have a duvet cover from when we got married that we intended to use during the winter, but we haven’t needed to yet.  So I whipped it out and boom!  Now we have a matching bed set, along with some decorations.  What the room needs though is a headboard, a console table and some wall decorations.  No worries though!  Thanks to Pinterest and Ana White, I’ve got some projects for the next couple of weeks for Paul and I to complete!  You would think at a time like this I would be focusing on the nursery, and while it is a focus of mine, I feel like there are so many other things that need to be done!

In my Pinterest searches, I’ve compiled a list of DIY furniture.  I’m not sure if my husband will hate me for this or love me.  It will mean he gets to expand his tool collection, so maybe he will love me for it.  He’s also one of those guys that prefers quality and sentiment over quick and convenient.  I think having furniture in our house that we built together, and can use for years to come will be something he appreciates.  He just may not appreciate the task list and timeline I’ve got in my head…

Baby M – 25 Weeks + 1 day

Bump Analysis? Going for comfort today.  Growing… and my belly button sticks out.  People like to comment on my belly button.

Month/Trimester? 6 months [22 weeks – 27 weeks] / 2nd Trimester!

Fruit of the week? Our baby is the size of a cauliflower! 13.6 -14.8 inches long and 1.5 to 2.5 pounds! She’s in the pounds now!!

Development? She has developed her sense of equilibrium and knows which way is up and which way is down.  She’s continuing to gain some more fat on her tiny little body and grow more hair!

Movement? I felt her kick my bladder this week… so as she gets stronger, and my bladder gets smaller this will be fun.  I can tell. 🙂

Name? Aubrey Joy 🙂

Testing? Today we had our final appointment with the fetal specialist, because we have a healthy little girl!  Praise the Lord!  We also found out they have our due date measuring around June 23rd (the day before my birthday), which means they say I’m 24 weeks…. who knows.  She will come when she’s ready and I’m just going to block off mid to late June.  She weighs approximately 1.7lbs and her head is measuring in the 79th percentile.  She has a big ol’ head, which obviously means she is already a genius. 🙂 Weight Gain? 3 more pounds this week… Totaling 17 lbs.


  • Back pain
  • Acne
  • Excessive pee breaks
  • Faint line (Linea Nigra) forming below my belly button – not cute.
  • Losing hair at my hair line – so much for luxurious pregnancy hair.
  • Tailbone Pain

Cravings? Nothing crazy really.  Still drinking lots of water, but I also started eating much healthier so I don’t feel guilty about my nightly ice cream cookie sandwich.

Aversions? Buffalo Chicken Dip

Sleep? Just waking up 2-3 times a night to go to the bathroom.  Crazy dreams.  Seriously, so weird.  Earlier this week I was attacked by a Cheetah, black bear, and a dog.  Same dream, all at different times.  Interpret that for me will you?

Maternity Clothes? Same old same old.  It’s heating up though so I’ll need to go shopping to find some shorts to wear!  I also need to invest in some pregnant work out clothes, because mine aren’t going to work for much longer… Especially my sports bras.

Exercise? I made it to the gym 4 times this week.  This week I tried to stay away from the bike, and I did the elliptical and the stair climber.  I think working out is slowly starting to help my back pain.  It doesn’t hurt when I’m sitting much anymore, well my back, not my tailbone.  I feel it more when I’m walking or being active, so that’s a bonus that it isn’t all day anymore.  My goal this week is 4-5 times, and I might give swimming another go, if I can fit into my bathing suit.

Wedding Rings? ON!

Stretch Marks? There are two areas I’m keeping an eye on, I’m not sure if they are stretchmarks or not yet.  After my shower I use Burt’s Bees Mama Baby Belly Butter, and before I go to bed at night I use BioOil.

Labor Signs? Nothing yet!

What I miss? Living in Tallahassee… 3 of my friends in Tallahassee all got pregnant around the same time as me.  It would be so much fun to go through this journey with them in person.

Looking forward to? Finishing up a few projects for the nursery!!! I can’t wait to show it to you guys!

Baby M – 24 Weeks

24 Weeks

Bump Analysis? Paul is in the arctic tundra of Milwaukee this week, so selfie it is! I’ve officially reached the point where strangers are sure I’m pregnant, and feel it is safe to ask me questions.  I’ve had two of those in the last week… luckily no strangers have tried to touch my belly, because I will be swatting their hands away… personal space people.

Month/Trimester? 6 months [22 weeks – 27 weeks] / 2nd Trimester!

Fruit of the week? Our baby is the size of a cantaloupe! 10.5 -11.8 inches long and 12.7 – 20.8 ounces!

Development? Her skin is becoming more opaque, and less see through.  She also has a little pink glow due to the small capillaries that have recently formed.

Movement? I’m definitely seeing her sweet dance moves from the outside of my belly.  It looks so crazy, and I can watch it for hours.  I am also starting to feel body parts.  I’ve felt what I believe is her butt or her head… I just can’t decipher which one it is yet!  She is becoming more active, and I tend to feel her the most right when I wake up, around 3-4pm, and right when I lay down to go to bed at night. 🙂 For a while I was pretty positive she was nocturnal, because I NEVER felt her during the day.

Name? Aubrey Joy 🙂

Testing? Next week we go back to the specialist.  They will be double checking her heart and performing another echo.  If all looks good, we won’t have to go back again.  Praying for a healthy little girl!

Weight Gain? Well this week I jumped up 3 lbs for a total of 14 lbs.  Then I cried and decided to fight my cravings… Kidding.  I didn’t cry.  I know the weight gain is for a good reason, but it is still hard to adjust to seeing those numbers continually going up on the scale.  I did however go grocery shopping, and buy all things for clean eating… except that one pack of Oreos.  Moderation right?


  • Back pain
  • Acne
  • My belly button is losing the battle, and halfway to an outie.
  • Excessive pee breaks
  • Faint line (Linea Nigra) forming below my belly button – not cute.
  • Losing hair at my hair line – so much for luxurious pregnancy hair.
  • Tailbone Pain

Cravings? I’ve struggled to drink water this whole pregnancy, during the last week I just want big huge glasses of ice water.  This is a craving I’ll take happily, but now it means even more bathroom breaks than I was taking before!  I’m still just craving lots of sweets…and now I’m trying to ignore them, and find healthy alternatives… Like these healthy cookies made with bananas and oats!  Wish me luck!


Aversions? Buffalo Chicken Dip

Sleep? Just waking up 2-3 times a night to go to the bathroom.  Other than that, I can’t complain.  I love my snoogle pillow!

Maternity Clothes? I busted out maternity jeans this week… why did I wait so long to do this!? They are heavenly!

Exercise? I made it to the gym 3 times this week.  My cardio consisted of the bike, stair climber, and attempts at the treadmill and elliptical.  I did some weight training as well, because weights make me feel productive.  My goal this week is 4-5 times now that I have less going on.

Wedding Rings? ON!

Stretch Marks? There are two areas I’m keeping an eye on, I’m not sure if they are stretchmarks or not yet.  After my shower I use Burt’s Bees Mama Baby Belly Butter, and before I go to bed at night I use BioOil.

Labor Signs? I am pretty positive I’ve felt Braxton Hicks a few times this week.  I wasn’t sure until I felt them last night on the elliptical and texted my doctor.. AKA my sister.

What I miss? Having my husband home for an entire week.  Thank goodness this week should be the end of his crazy travel schedule for a while!  I’m kind of over it.

Looking forward to? Seeing our little girl on the ultrasound next week!! This is probably the last time we will get to see her before she’s born so I’m going to soak up every minute!

Baby M – 23 weeks + 1 day

Bump Analysis? No bump picture this week – Paul is currently in San Diego, and I just got back. So we will skip this week, but I assure you my bump is still there and growing…

Month/Trimester? 6 months [22 weeks – 27 weeks] / 2nd Trimester!

Fruit of the week? Our baby is the size of a grapefruit! 10.5 -11.8 inches long and 12.7 – 20.8 ounces!

Development? She’s forming little nipples, and her face is fully formed.  She can listen to my voice and heartbeat, along with other loud noises like dogs barking… I’m sure she’s already been woken up a few times by ours… Poor thing.

Movement? Her kicks are getting so much stronger!  A few nights ago, it felt like she was literally having a dance party in my stomach.  I had Paul put his hand on my stomach, and he felt her moving more than just the once now! I’m sure if I would have lifted my shirt we would have seen my belly moving…

Name? Aubrey Joy 🙂

Testing? Nothing new at this point!

Weight Gain? Holding steady at 1 lb a week for a grand total of 11 lbs.


  • Back pain
  • Acne
  • My belly button is losing the battle, and halfway to an outie.
  • Excessive pee breaks
  • Faint line (Linea Nigra) forming below my belly button – not cute.
  • Losing hair at my hair line, which is super cute and makes my hair look AWESOME…. not.
  • The newest pregnancy ailment – tailbone pain.  I want to sit on a donut like an old lady.

Cravings? Food as people mention it.  This week someone said Milkshake, and I HAD to have one… or two.

Aversions? Buffalo Chicken Dip

Sleep? I busted out my sister’s SNOOGLE pillow this week… big giant pregnancy pillow that is long and skinny, and curves at both ends like a snake.  The first night I thought it was useless… now I love it.  It typically holds me in one position at night on my side, and I can actually fall asleep on my side with it.  The downfall is it creates a wall along the side of the bed that locks me in, and when I have to climb out of bed to pee or wake up in the morning it’s a struggle to get over the dang pillow.

Maternity Clothes? Some shirts…I’ll definitely be busting out maternity pants soon.  My jeans are so uncomfortable now, I’ve been wearing outfits that go with leggings for comfort.

Exercise? I made it to the gym 2 times last week, but with traveling and having people in town it just got pushed to the side.  This week Paul will be gone again, which will leave me unmotivated, but I’m gonna go!

Wedding Rings? ON!

Stretch Marks? Don’t say that word around here!  After my shower I use Burt’s Bees Mama Baby Belly Butter, and before I go to bed at night I use BioOil.

Labor Signs? Praying not to have these anytime soon!

What I miss? Every time I make a trip to Tallahassee I come back seriously missing my nieces.  I’ve been going back once a month, but they change SO much in that month!  Kennedy amazes me each time I see her with her memory, vocabulary, and personality.  Reese just melted my heart the whole time I was there.  She is just the sweetest thing, and she’s starting to talk, but my absolute favorite is when she runs up and clings to my legs to tell me “UP”.  Then I pick her up and she just cuddles… cue melting heart, and then the urge to cry because I CAN NOT WAIT to cuddle with Aubrey! I miss seeing those crazy girls all the time!    This post may or may not be a hint to tell my sister she needs to get home more frequently, especially since my trips will be much less frequent in 4 months! 🙂

Looking forward to? Spending the weekend with my handsome husband before he leaves me for the arctic tundra that is Milwaukee.  I’m also seriously looking forward to the mail coming in a few days… I may or may not have ordered the cutest little baby TOMS for Aubrey for when she starts walking.  I may have jumped the gun on these, because she won’t wear them for quite some time, but they were on sale and I’m obsessed.  So it’s justified.

Baby M – 22 Weeks

22 Weeks

Bump Analysis? This is a pre-gym picture.  That belly just keeps growing, which means my little girl is growing! 🙂

Month/Trimester? 6 months [22 weeks – 27 weeks]  – Is this real life?!  / 2nd Trimester!

Fruit of the week? Our baby is the size of a papaya! 10.5 -11.8 inches long and 12.7 – 20.8 ounces! That’s a pretty wide range for the weight change this week!

Development? Her eyes and lips are more developed, and she is looking more like a newborn than a foreign alien 🙂 She is sleeping in cycles about 12 -14 hours a day.

Movement? Her kicks are finally getting stronger, and her daddy finally felt her for the first time this past week!! His words, “That’s weird…”. Touching, I know. 🙂

Name? Aubrey Joy 🙂

Testing? Nothing new at this point!

Weight Gain? 10 lbs… I’ve officially hit double digits. Scary.

Symptoms? This may be easier to list at this point

  • Back pain.  Seriously – Ouch.  It’s not uncommon to see me with a rice bag attached to my back via ace bandage.  Getting creative over here!
  • Acne
  • Belly button losing the battle, and being pushed out.
  • Excessive pee breaks – seriously, this last week I’ve been peeing more than normal, and I don’t think that will be going away anytime soon.
  • Faint line forming below my belly button – I believe its called Linea Nigra, and it’s not cute.

Cravings? I feel like my cravings are weaning off… I just really want food/sweets in general.

Aversions? Buffalo Chicken Dip

Sleep? Between fighting a cold, and waking up to pee or because I HATE sleeping on my back and side, sleep is no fun right now.  I’m dreaming of the days I can sleep on my stomach again!

Maternity Clothes? Some shirts… It’s technically “winter” in Florida.  As in it get’s cold a couple times every few weeks, and I’m desperately trying not to buy any winter maternity clothes.  I’ll need summer clothes, but I’m making do with the same 4 shirts over and over again.  🙂

Exercise? So this is a new update this week that I figured I should add, and hopefully keep myself accountable?  Long story short, I’ve been slacking on exercise mainly due to the fact that I’m being lazy or my back is bothering me.  This past weekend I decided enough was enough, and in fear of gaining too much weight I hit the gym with Paul.  The downfall is the only cardio I can do right now without shooting pains in my back is ride the bike – so much for variety.  As for weights, I have a very protective husband.   So with lots of monitoring and very little weight I’ll be doing some weight training as well.  So my goal for this week is 2-3 times since we have a LOT going on this week!

Wedding Rings? ON!

Stretch Marks? Don’t say that word around here…

Labor Signs? Praying not to have these anytime soon!

What I miss? No back pain – I’m kind of terrified it hurts this badly at only 22 weeks… How the heck am I going to function at 30+?!

Looking forward to? A date night with my sweet husband, and a trip to Tallahassee to see my sister and her crazy little family, and my friends! 🙂

Baby M – 21 Weeks

21 Weeks

Bump Analysis? Really starting to feel huge this week, but I think I have been saying that every week.  It becomes more true with each week that passes.  (Also meet Laila and Brody – 2 of the 3 crazy dogs in our house)

Month/Trimester? 5 months / 2nd Trimester!

Fruit of the week? Our baby is the size of a pomegranate! 10.5 inches long and 12.7 ounces!  Which means she grew about 4 inches this week!!

Development? Her digestive system is preparing for the outside world, and her little body is now manufacturing meconium.  Since she is a little girl, she already has her lifetime supply of eggs in her womb!

Movement? Lots of movements that make me so happy to feel!  One day her daddy will feel her moving around too…

Name? Aubrey Joy 🙂

Testing? Nothing new at this point!

Weight Gain? 9 lbs – Which means I gained about 2 lbs last week which is the most I’ve ever gained in a week, and can probably directly correlate with how much pasta I ate last week… Oops.

Symptoms?  I’ve had some random waves of nausea this past week, and my stomach is getting super itchy in spite of my constant slathering of Baby Belly Butter and Bio Oil. I think my belly button is starting to lose the battle of staying in.  I believe it’s gradually being pushed out of place.  I’ve had back pain off and on since about 6 weeks, but it’s becoming more constant and making me lazy.  Eventually, I think my face will start to look normal again, but for now I’ll keep looking like a 15 year old girl who just hit puberty.  They say little girls steal your beauty,  well I think Aubrey stole any and all beauty I’ve ever had.

Cravings? Shrimp and pasta.  Pasta and shrimp.

Aversions? Buffalo Chicken Dip

Sleep? Lots of waking up.  Lots of random dreams.

Maternity Clothes? Still just a few maternity shirts, but my pants are becoming pretty uncomfortable…

Wedding Rings? ON!

Stretch Marks? Don’t say that word around here…

Labor Signs? Praying not to have these anytime soon!

What I miss? Walking without back pain… shooting pains don’t make me want to exercise, they make me want to lay in bed with a box of Oreos.  The struggle is real.

Looking forward to? Finishing the accent wall in the nursery this weekend 🙂

And since I haven’t yet shared this reaction video of my parents yet on the blog, I’ll leave you today with this… about 16 weeks late 🙂