Happy 6 Months Nolan!

I am actually in disbelief that you’re already 6 months old! How did that happen?!

You weigh 22 lbs and 4.5oz and are 27.75 inches long. You’re off the growth chart for height and weight, but I think you’re finally starting to slow down in the growing area! You’re still rocking 12 month and 12-18 month clothes depending on the brand.

The doctor told us today that you have astigmatism in your left eye. It’s common, and I’m hoping you grow out of it. We have to follow up with an ophthalmologist.

This month we put you back in cloth diapers since we are finally starting to settle in after our move to Tallahassee. You also had your first double ear infection. Sorry sweet boy 😢.

u absolutely love books, and all the pictures in them. It's almost impossible to read them to you now, because you are desperately grabbing for them and trying to eat them… but that's nothing new really because you try to grab EVERYTHING, and everything goes in your mouth.

u have been wanting to eat so badly. You just watch us and try to intercept our food. You physically watch our food go into our mouths. We let you suck on some corn on the cob, one day and you didn't actually eat anything, but you sure as heck didn't want to give it back. You had some ham and mashed potatoes for Christmas dinner and just made a giant mess, and got upset because you were too hungry to try and figure out how to eat.

u are finally rolling from your back to your belly, especially when you sleep. You prefer to be on your belly like your momma. I joked about you being able to sit up before you roll over, and you actually started doing them both the same week. I was almost right.

u cut your first bottom tooth this month, and the other one will probably be in tomorrow it's so close to cutting through! I can't wait because it's definitely making you uncomfortable.

u consolidated from 4 naps to 3 this past week, and I usually get one 2 hour nap from you a day. It. Is. Glorious! I might actually be able to get something done every once in a while now. Cosleeping is getting better too. You're finally letting me leave the room at night after bedtime, and you seem to wake up 1-3 times a night to nurse. Usually it's twice. You won't be happy about it, but in a few weeks we will start sleep training to take our bed back and get you in your crib in your room. For what it's worth, I'm not excited about this either.

eintroduced dairy into my diet this past week as a test run. You seem to be doing okay with it, and your doctor said to keep at it… so we celebrated tonight and ate pizza for dinner! You had roasted zucchini 😂! I am so excited to watch you grow up with your sister. She has always loved on you, but once you started sitting and playing with toys I can envision you two playing together. She is so sweet with you, and is always so concerned when you’re upset. I love the bond ya’ll share, and I hope it only grows from here.

You are so giggly and smiley all the time. It really does just make my day. I love you more than you can imagine sweet boy!

Happy 5 Months Nolan!

My big boy! You have been the perfect little addition to our family! You’re still growing like a weed weighing in at 21lbs and rocking 12-18 month clothes.

You have the stinkiest toots, and we blame it on the fact that you go so long between poops. It’s a big day in our house when you finally go… we joke that you are just using all of momma’s milk that you don’t go everyday… or sometimes even every week. (No worries we’ve talked with the ped and it’s normal, we do give you glycerin suppositories if you start to get really uncomfortable).

You have the biggest gummy smile, and you are so happy all the time. My favorite is when I wake up in the morning and you look at me with the biggest smile like you’re so happy we are finally up together. You think your sister, and your cousins are absolutely hysterical. They get the best belly laughs out of you.

You still take 3-5 naps a day. It really just depends on how long you nap for. Usually they are between 30-45 minutes still, and on a normal day you take 4 naps.

Right now I’ve embraced co-sleeping…and I don’t see it ending anytime soon. When you wake up, I usually don’t even have to nurse you. You just roll towards me and rub my face a few times to make sure I’m there, and then you settle right back into sleep. I’m very torn on moving you, because as much as I LOVE snuggling you every night and getting to sleep, I really miss snuggling with your dad and sleeping on my stomach. Any attempts at getting you to sleep anywhere that isn’t our bed has been a huge fail. Hence the embracing co sleeping.

You still don’t roll over, and I keep joking that you will sit up on your own before you do.

You want to eat… so bad. You get so excited at the table. You bang on it while we are eating and desperately try to grab our plates or whatever is in our hands. Don’t worry bud… 6 months will be here soon.

You love playing with your feet. You grab them any chance you can get.

Your hair just continues to crack me up. You’ve lost all your newborn hair except for the tuft on top of your head that’s grown… it cracks me up and I always go back and forth on cutting it. Right now you rock a great Combover.

Your first teeth should be cutting through any day. You just gnaw away on anything and everything for comfort. Hopefully they’ll be in soon.

We love you so much little man! Happy 5 months!