The Toaster War

Last year a friend of mine was recently engaged, and we were talking about some of the disagreements she was having with her fiancé regarding their big day.  So she asked me what Paul and I had problems with while wedding planning.  I realized we didn’t really fight while wedding planning. Paul gave his input, but for the most part we agreed on the big things, and the other things he let me do my way.  He was pretty hands off – more of the tell me when and where to be kind of guy.  Our fight was over our registry.

I think this is absolutely hysterical now, because I had actually forgotten this whole story.  In all the excitement of wedding planning, one of the best parts is registering for all of the things you see in your house as your new  life as husband and wife.  What can go wrong right??

So we start registering and pretty close to the front of the store are the kitchen appliances, more specifically toasters and toaster ovens.  Paul wanted a toaster oven.  I wanted a toaster.  His argument – It’s convenient, and he grew up with one.  My argument – we have a really tiny kitchen (at the time) with zero counter space as is, where the heck are we going to put a toaster oven?  I should also mention I HATE clutter and things on my counter tops.  We probably went back and forth for about 5 minutes, before we skipped over this item entirely.  We continued to register, but at this point Paul was annoyed with me, and it was apparent.  He was frustrated more so with the process of the store trying to up sell you and get you to register for crazy expensive things that you will never use, and I certainly did not disagree with him there.  “What china pattern do you want??” China?  I want an everyday plate that matches my kitchen, that won’t sit in an cupboard for the entire year as wasted space.  We’re not that fancy, and I don’t need something else cluttering my house.

So registering came to an end, and it did not include a toaster or a toaster oven.  Fast-forward to current day.  We’ve been married for almost 2 years, and we STILL do not have either product.  If you want something toasted you pop it in the oven.  Since then, we’ve never discussed a toaster.  I never realized it until my friend and I recently had this conversation, and it absolutely cracks me up looking back.  I think we can probably revisit this topic and go out and buy a toaster or toaster oven now.  It will make bagels and waffles easier for this pregnant girl anyways. 🙂


One year ago today, I married my best friend.  I have loved you almost as long as I’ve known you you, but I love you more today than I did the day I married you.  

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 The last year has had it’s challenges, but I can’t thank you enough for being my rock.  Thank you for the nights we spend at home laughing and cuddling with each other.  I will never get enough of your smile when your laughing.  Thank you for forcing me to get out of the house and experience life.  You help me get out of my comfort zone.  Thank you for working so incredibly hard for us.  You have no idea how proud of you I am.  Thank you for the days when you clean the entire house for me by the time I get home.  Thank you for never asking me why I’m crying when I’m PMSing, and just knowing when I need a hug. 

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You have been the biggest blessing in my life.  You give me more grace than I deserve. You have strengthened my relationship with God more than you may ever know, and for that I cannot thank you enough.   

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You are the man I prayed for, and God brought you into my life when I least expected it. I love you so much and I am so glad I have forever to spend with you.  You have my whole heart for my whole life.   Happy Anniversary my love!

Paper Anniversary – FSU Season Tickets! GO NOLES!

Wedding Memories

I cannot believe that this weekend is Paul and I’s first anniversary!! This year has flown by, and I cannot help but reminisce on our wedding day.

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I remember waking up to pouring rain, and unable to fall back asleep so I left the hotel to go buy breakfast for my amazing bridesmaids.  I remember thinking all morning that the rain wouldn’t stop in time, and trying to tell myself that it didn’t matter.  I remember being completely bummed when the florist brought pink bouquets for our purple and gray wedding.  I kept telling myself that regardless of what happened, I would be Mrs. Millard at the end of the day and that is all that really mattered.  I remember my family and friends going above and beyond to make my dream wedding come through.  Rain or shine they would make it perfect.

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I remember being so nervous to see Paul, and as soon as I saw him my nerves went away and the excitement came.  I remember thinking I was crazy for planning a wedding in July, in Florida… AKA rainy, humid, hot season.  I remember taking pictures all over the plantation, and being surrounded by little gnats.  Paul kept ruining pictures by swatting them away, and when I was trying to be sweet and let Paul know I would keep the bugs out of his face I made a comment along the lines of, “Stop babe, I’ll blow you”, it came off completely inappropriate sounding and Paul and I died laughing with our photographers which resulted in this picture that I love.

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I remember the clouds clearing just in time for pictures.  I remember getting overwhelmed with emotions when I saw my daddy through the window.  I remember the chaos of starting the ceremony about 15 minutes early to beat the huge storm rolling in, and briefly turning into a bridezilla hoping we would beat the rain! I remember walking down the aisle linked arm and arm to my daddy as he gave me away to the man of my dreams.

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I remember taking communion during our wedding, at which point my dad said, “Now would be a good time to put Paul’s ring on the right finger”, and I almost spit out my drink everywhere.  I remember being comforted by Pastor David marrying us.  I remember getting to kiss my husband for the very first time, and celebrating late into the night with family and friends.

Now Paul in just a moment, I’m going to invite you to kiss the bride. This is not an ordinary kiss, Paul. This is the first time that you’ll ever kiss your wife… Make it count. Paul you may kiss the bride.

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It was the most chaotic day, and so incredibly perfect at the same time.  I am so glad Paul and I decided to hire the videographers, because it is by far one of the best ways we have to remember our wedding!

You Know You’re Getting Old When…

Yesterday Paul and I went scalloping with some friends, and after we got home we just relaxed and watched tv together. All the sudden Paul goes, “I don’t remember the last time we did something on a Saturday night and I love it. We just relax and then wake up for church in the morning.”

Yep, it’s official. We are growing up.

Getting Back on the Wagon… Again

For the last few years I’ve really wanted to be in shape and be the “fit” girl.  Not just skinny… fit.  This probably comes from the fact that growing up, I never had to workout to maintain my body or even pay attention to it.  I was dancing so often, that I was just in shape without even realizing it.  When I quit I never paid attention to what I was eating or even thought about working out, because it was never something I had to think about.  So in college it caught up with me quickly, it literally felt like it happened over night.  I just woke up one day hating the way I looked and how I felt.  It has since been a battle of self-hate and insecurity.  I am an average girl and there isn’t anything wrong with that… but I want to be healthy and look healthy.

Over the years I’ve gone through phases of really focusing on my eating and working out.  At one point I had a personal trainer and was clean eating.  I lost about 12 lbs and my body was toning up and I was ecstatic.  I felt amazing and my trainer actually nicknamed me “the monster” because I was focused, determined, and serious about my lifestyle.  Then Paul and I got engaged and I fell off the wagon.  I’m what you call a stress-eater and/or emotional eater. It’s hard to describe it, but when I’m stressed I literally crave sweets and terrible for you food.  I lose all self control and will power.  I can’t seem to stop eating.  So after we got engaged, I ruined all the progress I’d been making and went back to my regular weight.   The complete opposite of what happens to most brides to be.

Earlier this year I got back into it and was extremely motivated.  I started Insanity and saw crazy results within the first two weeks.  I was thrilled and loved it.  I did not miss a day of the workouts even though I was traveling like crazy and working two jobs.  I was up at 5am to fit workouts in and working out in hotel rooms.  I even had plans for after I completed the program.  I bought FocusT25 and was going to start right after I finished Insanity and not skip a beat. My hopes of being the “fit” girl were once again in my reach.  Then I stopped 57 days into the 63 day program… Seriously?  What a quitter. The last month of the program I was in serious pain from my knees and the workouts were killing me – not because I couldn’t do them.  I was actually really proud of the strength I gained during that program, but because EVERY movement killed my knees.  Afterwards, I would limp around and my knees constantly ached.  So for the last two months I’ve eaten everything in sight and not worked out.  I again ruined all my progress that I made.

It seems like the 2 month mark is my downfall. I rock it out for about 2 months and I get excited and proud of myself and then I become my own worst enemy and ruin it.   So Paul and I decided to do it together this time.  We will eat healthy.  We will work out. We will support each other… and say no to each other when we ask for our usual cravings of brownies, blizzards, and donuts. (I never liked brownies – I blame Paul for that. He never liked sweets – He blames me for that… we’re even!) I started T25 and he’s back in the gym.  We are also taking walks each night with our dogs, because they need the exercise too.   We will go on runs together and maybe one day I can convince him to do stadiums with me.  Our meals will consist of lean protein, veggies and fruits.  Clean eating at it’s finest.

So we are back on the wagon, and hopefully this time we won’t fall off.  This time I’m going to make it past 2 months. Wish us luck!

Virginia is for Lovers

After the wedding Paul and I went to in St. Petersburg we packed up and hit the road back to Tallahasse, but only long enough to pack for the week and pick up our “children”.  Then we headed to Virginia to spend the week with his family.  After a total of about 15 hours we made it around 3:30am!


Paul’s parents live on a gorgeous lake, but I’ve never actually been able to experience the fun of living on a lake.  Every time we seem to visit it is FREEZING… at least it’s freezing for this Florida girl! Last year we planned to go up for the 4th of July so this trip was a LONG time coming!!


Not only did we have a blast at the lake, but our dogs did too… Laila really needs to live at the lake because she is so incredibly obsessed with it.  You can’t keep her out of the water!  Even Brody and Daisy love the lake… not so much the swimming aspect, but the amount of room they have to roam around!  They just chase each other around the backyard and scope out the area.  The first time we went up there I was terrified they would run away, but I think with that much room to run they are afraid to roam too far away so it is kind of perfect!


We squeezed in a super quick trip to Petersburg to visit a long time friend of Paul’s that I know all about but we only met briefly during our wedding.  It was great to actually get to talk to Daniel, his girlfriend, Laura, and their adorable son, Mike – even though I felt like I already knew them from Paul and Facebook.  Then we rushed back to make it in time to a baseball game where his brother coaches. (PS can we look at how good Paul looks with a baby?! :))


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We spent the 4th of July on the lake and then headed to a BBQ and a great spot to watch fireworks… and I took zero pictures.  It was a great week and I love going to visit his our family.  I’ve been lucky enough to not only be blessed with a great husband, but great in-laws who have welcomed me into their family with open arms and I can’t thank them for it enough!

My Wonderwall

This past weekend, Paul and I headed to St. Petersburg for a wedding that Paul was in. One of his first friends from when he moved to Tallahassee was getting married. The wedding was beautiful and the reception was a blast. The bride could not have looked more beautiful if she tried. She looked flawless and her dress was gorgeous. The groom was excited and emotional and you could see their love for each other radiating.

It’s amazing how my appreciation for weddings have grown since getting married last year. Not just because I now know how much planning the couple bride did to prepare for the big day, but because I can’t help but relive my own wedding day.

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During this wedding and reception I couldn’t help but look at Paul and fall in love with him all over again. As our first year of marriage comes to a close this month, I cannot thank God enough for bringing Paul into my life. This first year of marriage has been many things, but it has also been one of the most amazing years of my life.  I mean who wouldn’t love this guy…

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Ignore the 12 year old running through the picture and making this appear inappropriate

  The reception was so much fun, and it was amazing to see how happy everyone was.  It was a great night had by all from the boys traditional “Wonderwall” swaying, to YT’s rap (you an see the actual music video here – yes my husband is the masked Richard Nixon), to the dancing.  One of my favorite parts was to see so many couples who can be surrounded by people, and yet completely in their own world.  So in love, and so happy!  Paul and I have bets on who may be the next ones to walk down the aisle 🙂

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Weddings are exciting. They are by far one of the biggest moments in a couples life, and you are there to witness their commitment to each other and to support them on their journey through life together. Thank you to the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Sands for letting us be part of your special day. We wish you nothing but happiness!!


Weekend Wrap Up

This past weekend was busy, but so fun!  I finally switched around my work schedule for my second job so I have Friday nights off and I can fully enjoy my weekends.  The last few weekends have been consumed by yard work, and though they’ve felt so productive when the day is done, we needed to relax this weekend.

Friday night we went to a Mexican restaurant with some friends and just relaxed and had a great time.  I enjoyed some rare margaritas, or maybe I should say margarita.  When I ordered the 2 for 1 I wanted the smallest size, and Paul encouraged the medium (I never drink and cut loose, and he likes when I do).  So I went for the size up, and after the first drink I was feeling it.  While I was drinking the second margarita I could definitely tell that it was watered down, but I was assuming the ice was melting and I wasn’t drinking it fast enough.  Come to find out the next day, Paul was a little worried I would end up a little too drunk, so while I wasn’t looking he drank my drink and filled it will water.  Apparently, I had enough to drink that I really didn’t think much of it until he told me the next day.  He just didn’t want me to have a headache the next morning…so thoughtful of him after encouraging the larger drink! Honey has jokes.

Saturday was a little early birthday celebration for me.  I turn the big 2-5 tomorrow, but we started celebrating early.  Paul told me earlier in the week to keep my Saturday open, and he ended up taking me to the mall to spend the day shopping to buy whatever I wanted.  So sweet and thoughtful, and we had fun spending the day together.  Then he told me we had reservations for dinner that night, and I got all excited and curious about where we were headed!  We went to a local restaurant called Kool Beanz Cafe.  It’s an eclectic little place and their menu is always changing.  Well when we walked in, I hear “SURPRISE” and I turn to see a group of my friends waiting for me!  We had a great night and my friends are so awesome at making events special!  Paul and I apparently really liked planning surprises for each other this year 🙂

Sunday we went to church and after I finished worked in the nursery we headed out to the beach to meet Paul’s friend Griffin out at his parents beach house.  It ended up raining most of the day, but it was really relaxing just to hang out on the deck with a great view of the marshes and the gulf right in front of us.  Griffin’s family is so sweet and they are so much fun to hang out with.

So to make up  for our last couple of busy weekends, we spent this weekend catching up on the relaxation part which was definitely needed.  We will be headed out of town for the next two weekends so a nice relaxing weekend was just the ticket!  Paul and I are truly blessed to be surrounded by such great people, and a weekend like this one just helps see that so clearly.



Money Makes the World Go Around

When I graduated from college I got really good at saving money (why I waited so long to start beats me) then Paul and I got engaged and my savings account rapidly began to dwindle.  Apparently a wedding will do that to your savings account.

After we got married, Paul and I took Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University course through our church. To say I loved it would be an understatement. In Dave’s words, I am a full blown nerd. I’ve always loved numbers (my mom is an accountant and my sister worked in finance before becoming a SAHM so I guess it runs in the family), so it was really easy for me to latch on to his basic concepts and hit the ground running! Immediately after Paul and I got married I became obsessed with paying down debt. My biggest fear is the lack of money to provide for our family. I want to give my kids an amazing childhood and be able to let them partake in activities the way my parents did. I want to be able to give them a great house, in a great neighborhood in a great school zone. I want to be able to pay for their college so they can graduate debt free the way I did. I want Paul and I to be able to retire and enjoy our time together instead of working forever.  This course provided solutions for all of my financial fears.  Sacrifice now and I won’t have to worry later! Well, Paul is more of the free spirit and has a much more faith based concept with money.  Completely rational, unless you’re his crazy money obsessed wife.  Our goals are the same, but we have slightly different ways of getting to the end result. Mine is complete sacrifice, working two jobs until we have kids, and followowing Dave Ramsey’s 7 baby steps entirely.  Paul’s is to be conscious and smart, but still have a life and splurge occasionally.

After Paul and I paid off all the credit card debt we decided it would be best for our family to save to buy a new house and then focus on paying off student loans. So we started saving, and the harder Paul and I worked to save the faster money left our accounts. I’ve said before, that 2014 has not been an easy one financially, and we are only half way through! The faster money left our account, the more obsessed I became.  My obsession with money became an issue. Money became an idol for me, and this realization smacked me straight across the face on February 20, 2014.

Paul has a herniated disc in his back. Long story short, he threw out his back and after a week of being in pain he became physically unable to walk. He texted me at work and told me he could not put weight on his legs. I had a little panic, and after calling around to a few doctors we were told we needed to go to the emergency room. Paul is by no means overweight, but he is much bigger than me and there was no way I could get him down the steps and into the car to get him to the hospital. I called my brother-in-law and he came over and we could not get Paul to the car. I finally asked Paul if we should just call an ambulance, and his words were “we can’t afford that”… My stomach literally flipped over. Here is my husband, in excruciating pain and unable to walk and his concern is MONEY. His concern was money because he was thinking of me and what I would think.

While I followed the ambulance to the hospital I just started crying and praying. I was crying because I felt so awful that my husband thought money was more important to me than his health. I was crying because I was scared that 6 months into our marriage my husband may be paralyzed from nerve damage. I was crying because it finally hit me, God has been trying to tell me all along that HE will provide for Paul and I. That I need to let go of financial control and obsessing over savings and running numbers to figure out when we can have things paid off, and when we will financially be stable enough to have children. God was telling me to put my trust and my faith in Him that everything will work out, and I needed to stop worrying.  Dave’s teachings are based on Godly principles, but I was not incorporating God into our plan.

God has been testing Paul and I this year, probably more so me than Paul.  We continue to have huge unexpected expenses each month, and I truly feel this is God giving me this lesson over and over to make sure I’ve learned where to put my focus now.  I have come a LONG way in the last 6 months, and I still have more work to do.  I stopped logging into our bank account every hour of the day.  I am not using money as the determining factor to decide when Paul and I will be ready to start trying to have a baby.  I am not running numbers everyday to figure out what we can save and when we may be able to move.  I am not so crazy about our budget, but I do still try to follow it.  Everytime I get anxious about money, I have learned to pray.  I am letting go of control.  I am letting God’s plan unfold and trusting that we will be fine.  I am so grateful that I can rely on Paul for his strength and his faith when I feel discouraged.  This is just the beginning of our journey, but I am so thankful that Paul is the one next to me to go through it. He gives me more grace than I deserve, and he has helped me more than he probably realizes.  Just another reason why God brought Paul into my life.  He always knows just what I need.

“Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” Matthew 6:26


Based on the title of this blog post I have a feeling I may have an aunt or two that may think this is a pregnancy announcement… Spoiler alert! It’s not – not yet anyways 🙂

Yesterday was Paul’s birthday – and ironically, the first birthday of his that we have ever spent together! Apparently he likes to plan to be out of town for his birthday, and then I don’t get to do any fun stuff with him to celebrate! This year I was so excited to get to actually spend it with him!  When I asked him what he wanted to do I wasn’t  huge fan of his response… He wanted to have a cookout with friends at our house.  It doesn’t seem like there is anything wrong with that idea – it’s actually pretty great, but our house is not the house for entertaining.

We have no parking – Our street is really narrow and if you park in the road – the person across the street will probably hit your car when they try to back out of their driveway.   We have a couch and a kitchen table – seating for 7.  If people don’t mind getting up close and personal.  Our backyard is dirt, and our kitchen is tiny.  Really not the house that was built to entertain a bunch of friends.  So he created a new plan which was dinner out with his friends for his birthday and he proceeded to invite people.

Meanwhile, on Friday night we were out with our friends and the girls were asking me what we were doing.  I was explaining how he wanted to have a cookout, but our house isn’t made for that yada yada yada.  Our friend, Danielle, then volunteered her house for us to throw him a party (Bless her heart – how sweet is she!!).  Leave it to a group of girls to immediately start planning a party for 2 days later!

Plan of action:

  1. Figure out food (dividied up between 4 girls – easy peasy)
  2. Invite people (So easy thanks so social media and private event pages)
  3. Get Paul there without spilling the beans…

I told Paul that Danielle and her husband, Justin, were having a cookout for the Heat game (expecting him to be all in as usual) and his response was “Tell them maybe – I wanted to do something with you on Sunday for my brithday”… GREAT! That was not the response I expected.  So I kind of blew off what he wanted to do for his birthday plans and changed around the schedule he had in his head in hopes that it would work and he wouldn’t put up a fight – thankfully he didn’t!

Sunday night we got dressed and headed over to Danielle and Justin’s for the game and I told him it was all of my friends from work that would be there.  While we are driving there he was telling me all about how the guys were giving him crap for not hanging out and watching the game with them, while I stiffled laughs and smiles.  When we got to the house I had Paul go in front of me and when Justin opened the door everyone jumped out and yelled “SURPRISE!” (obviously).   Paul was definitely surprised – but he looked ANGRY! Come to find out that was Paul’s confused face.

The night was awesome and I really can’t thank our friends enough for all of their help and last minute efforts for pulling off the surprise and making his birthday special.  Not to mention we finally got to spend it together!  I definitely won wife points that night, but then I lost them for taking basically zero pictures.  Wife fail.

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