The Sweetest Send Off

I’ve talked before about how awesome my office is, but this really is just is the cherry on top.  The Thursday before Paul and I moved, we had planned a final girls happy hour for me to basically hang out with everyone one last time before the move.  As 5 o’clock neared, my best friend Malarie, came “pouting” over to me. She was stressed out and wanted to go home.  I kind of laughed at her, and she asked if it was 5 yet.  I told her almost, and she said  well let’s just go. So I shut down my computer and we headed out of the office…


I walked out of the office to see all the girls in front of a limo!  We piled in and headed on over for happy hour with appetizers and drinks.  The girls in my office are more than just coworkers, they’re my friends, and it was so fun to spend one last night hanging out with everyone!



It was just the sweetest gesture, and I know everyone was in on it, but I also know that this has Malarie’s name all over it.  She is so sweet and thoughtful, and has always gone out of her way to make things special for me.  I’m so lucky to have a friend like her, and I miss her like crazy.


I’m Back

Hey Ya’ll!  I’m back!  Paul and I have finished our move and we are getting settled into our new life in our new home!  Our move went so smoothly, and we cannot thank our family and friends enough for all of their help.  We loaded up the Uhaul on Friday morning, and hit the road around 2:30pm. We got into town around 6:45pm, ate dinner at my parents and had everything unloaded by 9:30!  We set up our bed, and passed out.

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Saturday morning,  both of our parents came over and we basically had the entire house unpacked by the end of the day.  Needless to say, we were able to get settled in pretty quickly.  Now the only thing left to unpack is decorations, and I guess I’m just taking my sweet time to unload those boxes 🙂  Maybe this weekend Paul and I will start to hang things on the walls?

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Our first two weeks here have been busy, but they’ve gone really well… aside from Paul getting diagnosed with the flu this week.  Fortunately, he’s on the rebound, and at this point I don’t have any symptoms… let’s pray it stays that way.  We have both of our offices set up, and working from home goes pretty smoothly now that we are all set up and organized.

Our new house has so much more room than our old house, and I still don’t think we are used to having all this space!

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