The Pregnancy Struggles 2.0

I recently talked about the struggles of being pregnant, but it’s time to add to the list. Pregnancy brain.  This is a real thing, and the struggle is real.  The worst part, is that I feel like it shows at work a lot, and then I just feel dumb.  When it happens with Paul, we just laugh at them… and then he brings them up on a regular basis and laughs some more at my expense!

  • Paul and I sat at the table to eat dinner, I picked up my knife and his knife, and got ready to cut my chicken.  He just looked at me trying to figure out what I was doing, until I realized this wasn’t going to work.  I put 1 knife down really confused, and grabbed a fork.  Paul just died laughing at me.
  • I was searching for an email in my deleted emails, when I got a phone call.  This must have distracted me, so when I got off the phone, I saw I had an email with high importance in my email.  I read it, and responded to the man in my office who sent it to me… and then I realized it was an old deleted email from 2013 that I had just replied to.  So I then emailed him again apologizing, and he laughed at me.  Then we laughed about it again during my in office visit.
  • I had to import some information into one of our databases at work, and I could’t find the normal table to import it into.  I had been having some computer issues, so I figured something was funny.  I called a co-worker in, and she ended up importing the file for me on her computer.  Later I went back, and realized I had the wrong database open.  Which would explain the table was not there when I tried to import it… the table didn’t exist in that database.

These more recent ones though, they are Paul’s favorite…

  • I spent the day doing a couple loads of laundry.  When I was laying in bed that night, I asked Paul if he would get the clothes out of the dryer so I could fold them.  He gets up, goes to grab the laundry, and I hear “Lauren are you serious?!” … What?  “You’re running the dryer with nothing in it!”  Apparently I had every intention of switching the clothes over, and even thought I did, but really I didn’t.  Fail.
  • We were having some issues with our tv and our guide stopped working for like a week, but neither of us felt like dealing with the cable company.  Then while we were watching TV one night, the cable stopped working along with our internet and land lines (yes – we have land lines in 2015, but they are for work!}.  So I tell Paul that I’ll call them.  So while I’m on the phone, it keeps asking for the phone number on our account, and each time I put it in, it says it’s not correct.  I start getting frustrated… at that point Paul hears some of the automated system (I had it on speakerphone), and says, “Lauren, you’re calling Comcast… we have Brighthouse!” Bigger fail.

So needless to say, pregnancy brain is a serious condition, and the struggle is so very real!

The Cooking Fiasco

So I’m not sure when, but at some point in the last couple weeks I either saw what’s known as Puppy Chow or someone mentioned it, but I’ve been thinking about it!  I finally decided I would make it, and I went to the store and bought all the necessary ingredients, remembering I had powdered sugar at home.

Now if you’ve never made Puppy Chow, it’s a really simple recipe, that you can find here.  It probably takes about 10 minutes to make, and it’s worth it.  So yesterday, I started making this.  As I was melting the chocolate and peanut butter, I went to pour the powdered sugar into the ziploc bag to toss it all in during the final stages.  Only to my surprise, I didn’t have powdered sugar at all.   What I thought was powdered sugar was actually flour.  Well dang.  So now what should I do??  I decided it would be best for me to run to Publix and grab powdered sugar.

Now It’s 6pm and I’m supposed to meet my mom and Victoria at 6:45 – so I start rushing!  I get back from Publix, and I open the garage door.  To my surprise our sweet chocolate lab comes darting out at me… Apparently, in my hurry to head to Publix, I left the door into our garage slightly open.  As soon as she heard the garage door open she came running out to greet me.  So as I’m trying to pull the car into the garage, she is sprinting circles around my car.  I obviously don’t want to hit her,  and she was listening so well as I kept trying to get her to go in the house…  Finally I rolled down my window, and I made her sit next to my door.  I inched forward all while telling her to stay so I wouldn’t hit her.

6:20pm –  I have powdered sugar and I go to finish my recipe!  I get everything reheated, mixed together, the kitchen cleaned up,  and I walk out the door at 6:35pm!  Mission Accomplished!

As I’m driving,  I realize I completely forgot to add the butter and vanilla into the recipe.    I guess in my hurry I either got distracted or pregnancy brain got the best of me.  I would still say this turned out, because I don’t think you can really mess up peanut butter, chocolate, and powdered sugar… but next time, I will make sure my powdered sugar is actually powdered sugar, and that I add in all the ingredients!  Cooking is a lot more simple when you do it the right way…